Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Of Ribena and Fan

the drink stall aunty insists that the cup of Ribena is Teh Ping.

what equipment in the house has to be screwed anti clockwise instead of the usual clockwise direction to secure? edalb naf eht fo pac: snA

Monday, February 26, 2007

Whats your career aspiration? write those in the tag board. much appreciated.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

identity in Christ???

You are not saved by how you behave; you are saved by how you believe.

Man have and still are, trying to gain favour with pagan gods by doing good, e.g. charity, but non are saved (Isaiah 44). We are saved only by believing in the one true God and because of who we are in Christ, we follow His commands.

Our identity in Christ? What does that mean?

A policeman's identity as a law enforcer compells his very being to ensure that the law is adhered to. Same thing for Christians. When we willingly embrace God into our lives, our new identity as Christians compells us to do the neccessaries e.g. obeying God, loving one another.

The policeman no longer a civilian, the Christian no longer a prisoner of sin and death.

Monday, February 19, 2007

i drew blood today

1 deep cut above right eyebrow.
2 guitar strings broken.
3 patches of blood on my quilt.
thank God there's no four. and that the cut is not anywhere else.

Friday, February 16, 2007

An Exchanged Life

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20 (NIV)

The Christian life is an exchanged life: Jesus' life for your life. When Christ takes control, your life takes on dimensions you would never have known apart from Him. When you are weak, then Christ demonstrates His strength in your life (2 Cor. 12:9-10). When you face situations that are beyond your comprehension, you have only to ask, and the infinite wisdom of God is available to you. (James 1:5). When you are faced with humanly impossible situations, God does the impossible (Luke 18:27). When you encounter people whom you find difficult to love, God expresses His unconditional love through you (1 John 4:7). When you are at a loss as to what you should pray for someone, the Spirit will guide you in your prayer life (Rom. 8:16). When Christ takes up residence in the life of a believer, "all the fullness of God" is available to that person (Eph. 3:19).

It is marvelously freeing to know that God controls your life and knows what it can become. Rather than constanly worrying about what you will face, your great challenge is to continually release every area of your life to God's control. The temptation will be to try to do by yourself what only God can do. Our assignment is to "abide in the vine" and to allow God to do in and through us what only He can do (John 15:5). Only God can be God. Allow Him to live out His divine life though you. He is the only* One who can.

*empahsis mine

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Dolphins sought to protect against terrorist

SAN DIEGO - Dozens of dolphins and sea lions trained to detect and apprehend waterborne attackers could be sent to patrol a military base in Washington state, the Navy said Monday. In a notice published in this week’s Federal Register, the Navy said it needs to bolster security at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, on the Puget Sound close to Seattle.

The base is home to submarines, ships and laboratories and is potentially vulnerable to attack by terrorist swimmers and scuba divers, the notice states.Several options are under consideration, but the preferred plan would be to send as many as 30 California sea lions and Atlantic Bottlenose dolphins from the Navy’s Marine Mammal Program, based in San Diego.

“These animals have the capabilities for what needs to be done for this particular mission,” said Tom LaPuzza, a spokesman for the Marine Mammal Program.LaPuzza said that because of their astonishing sonar abilities, dolphins are excellent at patrolling for swimmers and divers. When a Navy dolphin detects a person in the water, it drops a beacon. This tells a human interception team where to find the suspicious swimmer.Dolphins also are trained to detect underwater mines; they were sent to do this in the Iraqi harbor of Umm Qasr in 2003.

The last time the animals were used operationally in San Diego was in 1996, when they patrolled the bay during the Republican National Convention.Sea lions can carry in their mouths special cuffs attached to long ropes. If the animal finds a rogue swimmer, it can clamp the cuff around the person’s leg. The individual can then be reeled in for questioning.

for the full story check out


1 corinthians 13:4-8

Love does not envy. Love cannot/does not go hand in hand with envy or jealousy.

Love is not self-seeking. It is not selfish; looking at what you can gain out of a relationship, be it BGR, friendship or family ties. It has to go beyond liking that person; you have to think about what u can give unto the person. Blessed is he who gives unconditionally. When love is not self-centred, God's power/love shines through us. For it is never just about us, but what God can do through us to touch the other party.



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

feeling the void this valentine's?

inspiration on the spur. those two are my classmates. location's in corridor of lecturer's office.



The Lambo and Porche rival of '07. Audi R8.

screaming for attention.



Sunday, February 11, 2007

Raffles Town Club Episode 5

Black Jacket* sneaks up from nowhere, grabs me by the arm and demands with soft harsh voice:"HEY WATCHING FREE SHOW IS IT?? GO TOP UP THE DRINKS!"


Black Jacket:"NOW"

me with straight face:"ok"

Black Jacket:"WAITING FOR WAT??"

me deadpan-ed:"you are still grabbing on to my arm."

*Black Jackets are banquet supervisors or managers in charge of the waiters/waitresses

Friday, February 09, 2007

Its 19 April '04

was looking thru my folders. and chance upon this. this' the gundu mug shot of me with the nerd glasses. and that funny hair tail thats suppose to grow at the back, that makes me look even more weird with the "m" shaped hairline. Recruit Ang reporting...

Raffles Town Club Episode 4

Police (Jurong Division) D&D at RTC. (8th feb'07)

Aussie Female MC on stage with indian contestant: "Do you know why Indians in the world are at the fore front of the I.T. industry?"


" 'Cos they are the first who came up with the!! "

*at this juncture, she points her index finger at the indian's forehead*
*crowd of mainly chinese people rawrs with laughter*

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Events on Bus 963

1. Today (6th feb '07, 07:43 am) Office Ladies (OLs) entered the crowded bus through the EXIT. And i thought only secondary school kids do that. Bus captain threatened not to drive off if they dont get out and go by the front. *silence* no one budged at all. and time ticked away. in the end Bus Captain bo bian, still drive off. next bus stop, BIG SIZE guy wants to get off the bus by the crowded front. tries to tap his card but no response cos its the ENTRANCE. so debates with Bus Captain WHY CANNOT TAP?. and time ticked away. When u want things to go smoothly, Murphy's Law always takes place. Murphy's everything-goes-wrong Law. (my fault i know)

2. Saw a ah ma make a clearing throat sound and spits her goo onto her hand and flicked it to the floor and lands with a soft thud. *dies*

3. LOUD disco ring tone. ah ma with jet black hair answers the phone. *applauds*

4. Last day of sch. OC presentation. crowded bus AGAIN. door closed when i wanted to exit. so pressed the bell. no response. thankfully there was still pple loading up the bus. so i frantically pressed again. no sound. cos the bell can only be pressed once. i couldn't believe it. Murphy's Law. nooooo... angel and devil fought in my head. in the end i did the unthinkable. "HELLO I NEED TO EXIT !" In my field of vision, everyones' face looked up and gave the *gasp* expression, as if they heard God's voice. saw the Bus Captain looking into the rear view mirror. but refuse to open door. WHAT??? so i raised my hand. *waves frantically* "HERE ! I NEED TO EXIT !" now everyone knows whose voice that belonged to.

And all the above happened on Bus Service 963. on 4 separate occasions. either its me or its the bus. come on! take a ride with 963.